Musical Biscuits

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I'm sure tons of other people have pointed this out already, but this song, "Strange Apparition," off Beck's new album The Information sounds very similar -- in an homage way, not a ripoff way -- to the Rolling Stones' "Torn and Frayed" from Exile on Main Street. I like it!

And I like the whole new CD. But not quite as much as 2005's Guero, at least not yet. Guero was one of my favorite albums of last year, and it was produced by the Dust Brothers, who were responsible for Beck's joyous Odelay. But he actually started working on The Information, with producer Nigel Godrich, before he did Guero, after 2002's solemn Sea Change.

I seem to be in the minority in favoring Guero over The Information. Most critics are saying exactly the opposite. The two records are fairly similar, and they're both very good, but the highlights of the new one don't quite reach the same level for me as those of its predecessor. But maybe I just need to give it more time. In addition to the Stones-esque tune mentioned above, I am really enjoying "Think I'm in Love," "Soldier Jane," and "No Complaints." I've always been partial to singing Beck over rapping Beck, and the ratio is about the same on this album as the last. While I like some tracks more than others, I can listen to the disc from start to finish and it gets better each time. Have you heard it? What are your thoughts?

Ps: Also, speaking of the Stones' Exile, check out this recent excerpt in Rolling Stone (the magazine) from an upcoming book about the wild, behind-the-scenes making of the classic 1971 album.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally am digging this new Beck release. I agree MC, "Strange Apparition," especially the strong piano riffs, is very similar to a Stones beat. Am really grooving to "Nausea" though the chorus could have been a bit more evolved and "Cell Phone's Dead." I like your picks too.
This one is a tough one to compare to Guero. Both are brilliant and sooo characteristic of Beck's unique sound.

2:21 PM  

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