This is kind of random, but when you're listening to your headphones do you ever wonder whether you're losing your hearing? Well, it might just be that your ears are clogged with excess wax and you need to get them cleaned out! I went to an otolaryngologist (ears, nose & throat doctor) last week because I thought this might be the case. She took one look, and proceeded to stick a tweezer into my ears and pull out two huge, bullet-shaped dark-brown crack-rocks of wax. She showed me how they were actually molded into the precise spherical dimensions of my ear canals. Cool! I mean, it was kind of gross -- the pieces of wax reminded me of the date nuggets in my breakfast cereal -- but it felt damn good! Liberating, somewhat like evacuating your bowels. (Sorry, I know this post is earthier than my ususal.) And maybe it's psychosomatic, but I swear I'm hearing better than ever. It's like the music is flowing right through my ears into my brain, man!
Wow, who knew this post would elicit such an immediate response?! I should write about my bodily ailments more often! Next up, syphillis (kidding).
Well, first of all, definitely don't use q-tips. The doctor also told me that most people's ears are self-cleaning -- but if you're part of the small section of the population (like me) whose ears don't do this, you should get them cleaned out by a doctor every year or two.
I highly recommend it. I feel like a new man. Walking down the street (B'way) after the ear cleaning, it felt like the wind was caressing my ears. Beautiful.
What happened to that Japanese ear picker tool you bought at Sunrise market at my behest years ago?
Ha, I forgot about that!
as my dad would say at the mention of anything related to hearing or ears, "what?".
mega blog boingboing has been posting about ear cleaning in recent months. apparently it's nothign to fuck with as an amateur. in this post, some lady gets fisked half to death for trying to teach people how to do it with a bobby pin:
this thing lets you look into your own ear!
once i went to the doctor cause i couldnt hear in one ear, and i got this student doc. he cleaned out my ear with warm water and a sprayer thingy. when he was done, i wanted to see the stuff that came out, which was quite a bit, and i was touching it to see what it was. the student doctor goes, "ewww! that's gross. don't touch it!"
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